After my previous study Interior Design in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) I started on a big adventure, NABA – Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti – in Milan.
After seeing all my work that I have been doing during my time in Milan I felt overwhelmed. It has been a lot of work and of course a lot of fun in the same time. NABA gave me a lot of beautiful opportunities and I met the most amazing professors. One by one they are all full of energy and are really great in teaching, I am not seeing them only as ‘teachers’ they also treated us as professional colleagues.

During my first year I got a comment from a very good professor about my way of working, during the school period they didn’t see much of my process, but in the end it was a surprise for them to see the end result. During my last study in the Netherlands I was not used to show my process during a project, and in the same time I always wanted to surprise my previous teachers with the results I could reach. A very good lesson to start with I thought. So I put myself out in the open, and directly during my first year NABA put me on spot! I had to present a project for ca. 50 Italian people, well that was scary, but cool in the same time. I found myself comfortable presenting for audience, in the end I like to do that the most.
I find it till now still the most inspiring class that we had in first year. Product Design of Hagit Pincovici, she broke all the walls that I had around me and I started thinking and working out of the box. I can truly say that I have been giving more then 300% of my time, energy and joy into every project that has been passing. As the cherry on the cake me and my classmates presented our product design work during ‘Salone del Mobile’ 2014. I am working currently on my thesis project, and hopefully that will also become a beautiful project. After NABA I see the world very open, everything is possible.
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